Dry Eye Surgery
We understand the impact that chronic dry eye can have on your daily life and vision. Our Dry Eye Surgery Services are dedicated to providing advanced surgical options for patients suffering from severe or persistent dry eye symptoms that have not responded to traditional treatments.
Our Approach
Our team of experienced ophthalmologists specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of dry eye syndrome using innovative surgical techniques. We take a personalized approach to care, tailoring treatment plans to address the underlying causes of dry eye and alleviate symptoms effectively.
Types of Dry Eye Surgeries :
- Lacrimal Gland Surgery : In cases where reduced tear production is a contributing factor to dry eye, lacrimal gland surgery may be recommended. Procedures such as lacrimal gland resection or transplantation can help restore tear production and improve ocular surface lubrication.
- Meibomian Gland Surgery : Dysfunction of the meibomian glands, which produce the oily component of tears, is a common cause of evaporative dry eye. Meibomian gland surgery, including techniques such as meibomian gland probing, expression, or thermal pulsation, can help unclog blocked glands and improve tear quality.
- Punctal Occlusion : Punctal occlusion involves the permanent or temporary closure of the tear ducts to reduce tear drainage and increase tear retention on the ocular surface. This procedure can help alleviate dry eye symptoms by promoting a more stable tear film.
- Patient education and support throughout the treatment process
Our Services
Our Dry Eye Surgery Services include:
- Comprehensive evaluation and diagnostic testing to determine the underlying causes of dry eye
- Surgical consultations and treatment planning tailored to each patient's specific needs
- Advanced dry eye surgeries performed by skilled ophthalmic surgeons
- Postoperative care and follow-up appointments to monitor progress and ensure optimal outcomes